by: Mike Briano, CHN Sports and Fitness, December18, 2009 7:30 AM EST.
Las Vegas: After nearly 3 weeks of speculation and a firestorm of rumors, Jamie Jungers has finally released a statement on her Myspace page regarding a possible relationship with golfer Tiger Woods. Ms. Jungers, hoping to keep her $8.85 per hour / 36 hours a week gig at the Binions Horseshoe Casino Buffet, asked for privacy and forgiveness:
"I'm sorry for doing slutty stuff with golfers, can I ask that everyone leave me be please and that whataver [sic] foreign bitch keeps calling me to stop calling bc I'm over the 300 minute limit on my cricket"

The two hit it off and outside sources have indicated that the two have been having mostly consensual sex ever since.
But all of that security is now in jeopardy with Sarducci having strong reason to believe that Tiger was not the only PGA romance that Jungers had pursued. Bystanders in the Binions parking lot last Wednesday night describe a loud and violent standoff between Sarducci and Jungers.
Sarducci apparently lost it after reading that Jungers had spent three days with Vijah Singh just after Thanksgiving. Sarducci has been accused of taking Junger's work apron and order tablet and using them to protect his hand while he punched out the remaining two windows on her 92' Tercel. Jungers later told Las Vegas police that the windows had to be broken to save a lost kitten that had jumped in through the missing sunroof; as of press time no charges have been filed.
Binions has already removed Jungers namesake and picture from it's 2008 employee of the month dry erase board located in the break room between the loading doc and kitchen. Twenty-four hour buffet officials are refusing any further comments, however, night staff manager Mitch Reed said that it is unclear if Jungers still represents the wholesome image that casino buffets 'strive for'.
Disgruntled partner Skip Sarducci claims that he always trusted Jungers and never imagined that 9 other sleazy golfers would step forward one by one to claim affairs with the girl that he assumed was only acting slutty around him.
"We had an agreement; we would bang every Tuesday and Thursday after her night shift and as long as both of us kept it just between us then we wouldn't have to use a jimmy hat". He continued, "Turns out she's been getting nailed by just about every top 20 PGA player in the world... including the ultra-annoying Padraig Harrington".
Jungers risked everything for what??? Just a bunch of slutty golfers. Pathetic. Sarducci needs to go back to Italy and spend time with his family.
Agree with Diggmagnet, Jamie Jungers showed little to no respect for her semi-monogamous relationship. Vejah Singh? Come on Jamie. Any Google search for PGA golfers will bring up many a Golf Pro more attractive than he. Lee Trevino for one.
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