by: Melissa Lauren 8:25 Am Est
Comedy Hub Staff Writer
SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA: Charles Jackson's ad for a roommate on Craig's List last month was simple, straight forward, and has netted him nothing but trouble. Ad Responder Priya Raye seemed to be the perfect candidate when she stopped by to look at the room for rent at Mr. Jackson's Chatsworth apartment. She appeared clean, organized, and had excellent credit. Little did Charles know that Priya would be anything but a "good roommate".

Charles has a self described trusting personality and hammers that point home on his blog . Regardless, he felt he had no choice but to install a hidden camera in the living room to find out just what else Ms. Raye might be doing in their apartment while he was working his part time shift at the Sherman Oaks Galleria Radio Shack. Mr. Jackson retained real estate attorney Jason Rosenburg for help. "Charles has been my most consistent client" says Rosenburg, "In 2006 sixty five percent of my cases were evictions of Mr. Jackson housemates". In preparation for the eviction of Ms. Raye, Charles documented her daily routine:

11:45 AM-12noon: light stretching with revealing clothes on. (as visible on the security cam)
12noon-1:30 PM: Makes sandwiches for area homeless (most likely used some of my Trader Joe's Spicy Mustard after she ran out of her mustard.... did not replace my bottle for two days.)
1:45-3:45: Teaches a course "how to give the perfect blow job" to local city college students.
4:00-5:30: Prepares an organic turkey pot pie surely thinking it's my favorite - but its not; as of Tuesday my favorite is chicken pot pie.
7:00 - Offers me a back massage which I know is meant to distract me from various lease violations. I once again refuse the insulting gesture.
8:15-8:20: Interrupts Episode 4, Season 2 of "Lost" twice to ask me if her new swimsuit is too revealing.
9:oo- 10:00: Prances from her room to the kitchen in lingerie for light snacks and water.
10pm-midnight: Three scantily clad barely legal teens arrive with cheerleader uniforms on and join Priya in her private quarters. All of the girls take turns yelling out: "I hope that no one opens the door and catches us being naughty". This is just more evidence that something naughty is likely happening.

The inappropriate behavior has only become worse with the warm weather according to Jackson. New complaints just turned in to Mr. Jackson's attorney indicate that Priya regularly washes her car and Mr. Jackson's car while wearing nothing more that a white tank top and bikini bottoms. Additionally, without even asking, she outfitted Mr. Jackson's 1992 Toyota Corolla with a hydrogen fuel cell that emits 0 carbon.
"Although Priya did extensive testing on the Hydrogen Fuel Cell she did not account whatsoever for any reduction in vehicle weight from the removal of the original gas engine. As a model rocket enthusiast I know that weight plays an important role in vehicles performance. Let's just say that I have sent some interesting information to Toyota Motor Corp. concerning Ms. Raye's unauthorized work; I'm just sayin is all" stated Jackson.

1 comment:
indubitably the tingling moved up my legs didn't causing the lower parts my shins to tingle. The muzzle is of medium width, tapering gradually to the nose, with the tip neither pointed nor square. Jayson would "embellish" or make up almost all of his stories and the New York Times knew it because they fired him once and then re-hired him.
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