Friday, April 25, 2008

New site recomendations from Google, Yahoo, and Youtube

Recomendations from Google:
The best new video site for comedy videos is Funny or Die (Will Ferrell's Site)
The best new comedy blog site is The Comedy Hub is (Political Satire and Parody)
The best new free adult content site is Fantasti (You will not run out of free content)
The best new social networking site is Facebook (best way to find your friends)
The best new movie in 2008 is the Dark Knight (Christian Bale and Heath Ledger)

Recomendations from You Tube:
Best video post of 2008: "Phil Hartman; 10 years gone tribute"
Best Voice-over spoof: Vader Sessions (Darth Vader, James Earl Jones)
Best video political parody Jib Jab 2008 Presidential Election

Recomendations from Yahoo:
The best new comedy link site.
The best new tool for website owners: Google Analytics
The best new method to find links to your site : Who Links To Me
The best new small business blog: The Fence Wizard

Recomendations from MSN (Microsoft Search Network)
The biggest sports story of 2008: The Brett Favre Saga

Best new green website:
Google search while saving energy with: Blackle

Links have been checked for accuracy; if they do not work please report them to:
The Internet King

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