Friday, August 24, 2012

Norway Killer Sentencing Will Be 'Kind of Tough'

Pain In The Butt Punishment To Cramp Style Of Man Who Murdered 77 Innocent People

Oslo, Norway (CHN) - Anders Behring Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison Friday morning in an Oslo courtroom for his twin terror attacks in Norway last year and will likely not have access to Pay Per Movies or The Food Network while in prison.

Mr. Breivik, dressed in a dark suit and charcoal-colored necktie, smirked as the verdict was read against him in a packed courtroom.   Breivik will be forced to serve nearly 3 1/2 months for each innocent boy, girl, and adult supervisor that he shot, stabbed, and exploded to death during Norway's most heinous single crime ever committed.

The judge adding that "his vicious blood thirsty attack upon defenseless children shall result in very limited conjugal visits with state financed prostitutes or the very best sex manikins that money can buy".

Before the judge read the sentence, Mr. Breivik launched his trademark right wing salute, thrusting his right arm in the air while making a fist. It is unclear if the convicted mass murderer realized that he will not be able to kill the friends and families of his victims for at least 10 years or so depending on final release adjustments for good behavior. 

Those knowledgeable about Norway's correction system believe that Breivik will probably be super uncomfortable for a few weeks because the bedding and pillows in the Oslo's maximum detention facility are all brand new and haven't been properly broken in yet. Sources indicate that all prisoners can absolutely forget about the opportunity of listening to ABBA unless they listen to the music being playing by correctional officers which can be up to 30 meters away from the prisoners exercise area.  

The mass-murderer is scheduled to spend his first few months in the prison's rehabilitation center where he will try to strengthen and increase flexibility in his left elbow which has been 'tight with slight inflammation' ever since he used a knife to repeatedly stab and eviscerate a group of wounded victims that had attempted to swim off the island into the frigid Norwegian Sea.  


1 comment:

  1. Oslo, Norway (CHN) - Anders Behring Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison Friday morning in an Oslo courtroom for his twin terror attacks in Norway last year and will likely not have access to Pay Per Movies or The Food Network while in prison.
