Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Selects Cute High School Chick For VP

by: Chesapeak Smith 2:35 PM EST
Comedy Hub Political Analist

Just hours after Barack Obama accepted his party's nomination in Denver's jam packed Invesco Field; John McCain has shocked the political world by asking 17 year old Sarah Palin to campaign with him until Barrack Obama becomes president next November.

Ms. Palin will have to miss Senior Prom while on the campaign trail; but admits that such a sacrifice is well worth it;

"I got a text on my Iphone during Algebra 2 and totally couldn't believe it" admits Palin; "I flicked my friend Skyler in the ear and whispered 'gramps picked me for VP... wooo hoooo'.

The celebration was short lived however, as course instructor Mr. Hargrove caught the girls talking and wrote them up.

Palin will join the campaign officially after serving (1) 45 minute detention. Republicans are betting that Palin's youth and bubbly personality will be a hit on the campaign trail.

In an email to the media McCain admitted that Palin has little experience outside of Junior Class Treasurer and no business in the Oval Office, but neither does Mr. Obama.

"Really I'm just trying to mock him; more importantly this girl is really cute and it's been a long campaign to say the least" concluded McCain.

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