Monday, August 25, 2008

Clinton shocks on Convention Eve; Chooses Biden as her VP

by: Evan Lieberman; 4:00 AM EST
Comedy Hub Vice Presidential Liaison

Hillary Clinton made a surprise announcement early Monday morning and chose her Vice Presidential running mate at a time that few if any suspected. The announcement was made to a handful of supporters who accepted Clinton's 3:30 Am Skype call from her New York home.

Supporters say that Clinton's slurred speech and repetitive complaints that she was "so cold; who is monitoring the furnace" did not distract from her clear and direct message: Delaware Senator Joe Biden will be her choice for VP.

Biden, who accepted Barrack Obama's Vice Presidential request just this past Saturday may find himself in an excellent position to negotiate with John McCain for the third and final Vice Presidential opening. Although McCain has not officially tipped his hat as of yet, analysts have suggested in droves that a choice other than Biden will give him a competitive disadvantage over his Democratic rivals heading into the crucial national conventions.

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