Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Your report is due in two hours.... That leaves 1:45 to read the "Best of Craigs List"

Ok crazies you can go to Craigs List (click here) anytime to see updated
Here is a taste of the current menu, Delicious,

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19 May 2008 - sea - found cat--black with white stripes

08 May 2008 - anc - Dead Moose

22 Apr 2008 - chi - Rant: Person with a wooden leg that lives above me.

20 Apr 2008 - tor - I hate all of you

20 Apr 2008 - nyc - who put the dead bird in my mailbox? - w4m

17 Apr 2008 - den - in case you have/lifted my yellow track bike.....


17 Apr 2008 - nyc - Ibanker seeking romance

17 Apr 2008 - mon - the people at second cup are like so rude

16 Apr 2008 - pdx - A Sodding Good Time

14 Apr 2008 - lax - For Sale—One (1) Wife, slightly used, 1964 Model

13 Apr 2008 - prv - To the stupid bitches at Walmart that assumed I stole their phone

13 Apr 2008 - sea - Things my father taught me

11 Apr 2008 - det - No taxation without representation

06 Apr 2008 - prv - FREE: Giant Lawn Ornament

05 Apr 2008 - flg - Nonfuncnional Organic lawn mower

04 Apr 2008 - wdc - Want your ex-boyfriend back? [Unfortunately] I can help.

02 Apr 2008 - cle - I am RICH and I want to spend it on YOU tonight.

30 Mar 2008 - nfk - Kissing lessons

30 Mar 2008 - sfo - A public service announcement: Please stop asking me if I'm pregnant.

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